I did some research on theme park ticket prices for Walt Disney World. I would love to say that there are great deals for theme park tickets, but like I said in Money-Saving Tips For Your Walt Disney World Vacation—-“How can I buy cheap tickets? The answer: You can’t.” The point behind me sharing this information is to emphasize the need to research before purchasing your tickets. Compare prices. Do not assume or take outside companies’ word of how much you are “supposedly” saving.
Authorized Sellers Reviewed
I priced Undercover Tourist, AAA, Shades of Green and Disney theme park tickets. I priced 4-day passes with and without park hopper option and non-discounted rates through Disney. All of the outside companies state a certain amount of savings if you buy with them ($100-$200 savings for 2 adults and 2 children) versus buying directly with Disney, but after gathering all of the prices with taxes (except Shades of Green–exempt from taxes), I would save $5.00 if I purchased tickets from Shades of Green versus purchasing directly with Disney.
The other 2 outside companies cost more versus purchasing directly through Disney. It shocked me so I went back and checked, again. It is a mathematical certainty that I would spend more for September tickets if I purchased tickets through the other 2 companies. I have always said that there is very little to no wiggle room with the price of theme park tickets. This research proved it.
Important To Remember
It is important to point out that this may not be the case all the time. There could be some savings with the other two companies versus buying them direct with Disney depending on the time of year. The point is, please check all sources based on the numbers you would be paying with all of the sources and do not go based on the “supposed savings” the outside companies label next to their costs.
I was thankful that I checked all prices with taxes twice, because I almost purchased tickets with one of those companies, because I was taking their word on the savings, but that information was incorrect. In this particular situation, I am purchasing my tickets directly through Disney. Do not forget that Disney will, sometimes, have special offers for theme park tickets, too. Just another piece to be sure you research in order to save money.
Please do NOT go to Craigslist, EBay, etc. Do NOT go to locations outside of Disney who are advertising “cheap tickets”. They may not be valid tickets. You do not want to get to the Disney gates just to be turned away for having invalid tickets. Trying to save money, may cost you a lot of money. Yes, scammers are reselling tickets illegally. Disney and the police are actively pressing charges and arresting anyone who tries to resell illegal Disney tickets.